Love Message In a Bottle 1, Love letter, sermon, talk, testimony, “dissimilar relationships”

3 years ago

1 John & Philemon

I’m going to talk about relationships, and people, and love, and dating, and feeling, and God, and Jesus, and boys, and girls, and men, and women, and rebels, and the religious.

This is a message in a bottle. This is a personal love note to one specific person, who is unnamed. I hope that person (by the grace of God) will see this video. But anyone would also be able to benefit from the subjects talked about here. This counts as my personal testimony. This is from my heart, and it is truth from God Word the Bible. Peace and love.

God said that Adam was alone in the garden and God said that that was bad. That was wrong, it was unhealthy, it was not good. God said that it was not good for Adam the human being to be alone. Eve never questioned that she would be together with another person Adam. Adam realize that he was alone and was very upset about it. God always wanted them to be together. God is not in favor of aloneness and God does not wish to teach us a lesson that is unrighteous or harmful to us. The lesson of aloneness, the lesson of loneliness, is that it’s wrong. It’s not a lesson that comes from God. The wisdom that comes from God is first of all pure. God doesn’t teach us unclean or unrighteous or hurtful messages. God doesn’t want to hurt us.

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