Kettlebell Round A Bout Workout in the Safety Zone

3 years ago

The Kettlebell is a handheld tool you can get a crazy workout anywhere any time. You can get in shape in five to fifteen minutes three to four days a week. To obtain results, you can break up a fifteen-minute workout into segments that works into your schedule. When I was healing from a seat belt injury, I was amazed how I got in the best shape of my life by using this principle getting stronger & rebuilt torn muscles from the injury.

Functional movement training translates into doing daily activities safely building strong bones, muscles & connective tissues. You choose what motivates you to keep moving. The kettlebell swing metabolically demands recruitment of large muscle areas & reinforces key athletic movements: hip flexion & extension besides working the posterior chain. Be sure to plant your tripod foot, breathe deep into your gut to brace your abs to protect your back moving under controlled tension.

Total Body Workout Warm Up: Pass-Arounds, Figure 8 to a hold, Over Head Triceps Hallows
10 kettlebell two handed swings
5 Each side one Arm Swings
5 kettlebell swing hand to hand transfers
2 Cleans to 2 Push-Press each side
5 Goblet Squats
5 High-Pulls
2 Deadlift to 2 Goblet Squats to 2 Rows
4 Up-Right Rows – left side to outside leg, 2 inside left leg, switch to 2 inside right leg & switch to right side leg & do 2

Note: Breathe out to the top of the move & at the top of the move as come down breathe in (Exhale at top & Inhale at the bottom). Your anatomical breathing pattern should match the move.
Keep moving as long as your heart rate is up with a cool down afterwards which has been covered on a previous video.

Give it a try & leave me a comment of how it works for you! Master Coach, Kettlebell Lady of Iron Leanne

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