Protection from mosquitos AND sunburn?!

3 years ago

From sun-protecting to water-resistant, find the mosquito and bug
repellents that let you enjoy the backyard, beach and beyond!

Effectively repels mosquitoes, deer ticks, black flies, sand flies, gnats, no-seeums and biting midges. PABA-free and DEET-free. With vitamin E and aloe.

IR3535 - ingredient that provides repellency against a broad range of biting insects, including mosquitoes, deer ticks, black flies, gnats, no-seeums and biting midges.

• Repels mosquitos that may transmit West Nile Virus
• Repels deer ticks that may transmit Lyme Disease
• Repels mosquitoes, deer ticks, black flies, sand flies, gnats, no-seeums and biting midges
• Provides SPF 30 protection
• PABA-free and DEET-free
• Non-greasy
• Vitamin E and Aloe
• Non-comedogenic and non-acnegenic
• Dermatologist-tested and hypoallergenic

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