1963 Prophecy by Kenneth E. Hagin - Communistic Inspired Attack of Racial Hatred & a Great Revival

3 years ago

In 1963, Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin had an open vision in which he saw Jesus.

The Lord showed Brother Hagin the map of the USA and a dark cloud coming over the country from the East. He said this dark cloud that would come across the nation was "Communistic inspired hatred among the races". He saw our liberties being attacked and taken. We see this today with the BLM movement, the Democrats and Rinos that refuse to stand for what they know is right.

Things looked so bad in the vision that Brother Hagin cried out Oh' Lord is there any hope. The Lord showed Brother Hagin that the Fire of God would come from heaven. Tongues of Fire would rest upon the heads of God's people and be on their hands.

Brother Hagin asked the Lord to have a small part of this great end time revival. The Lord told him that He would enlarge his tent, his ministry.

In 1963, Kenneth E. Hagin did not have a very large ministry and was completely unknown across most of the country and around the world.

It was about that time that his ministry began to grow but the growth was slow.

In 1974, by the direction of the Holy Spirit he and his family founded Rhema Bible Training Center at Sheridan Rd Assembly in Tulsa. The first year they graduated 58 students. The facility soon became too small. About 1977 the ministry purchased land in Broken Arrow, a suburb of Tulsa and the Bible School kept growing. During these years Brother Hagin wrote over 100 books. I'm not certain but I believe he wrote his first book entitled "I Believe in Visions" after 1963.

Brother Hagin went home to be with the Lord in 2003, the ministries he began have not only kept going but have continued to grow exponentially.

I'm not sure how many Bible Schools there are now. in 2019 there were about 253 Rhema Schools worldwide. At that time they had over 80,000 graduates and recently I've heard that now (2021) there are 93,000 graduates.

Recently, April 2021, Rhema was the site for the Historic Health and Freedom Conference. Patriots such as General Mike Flynn, Lin Wood, Clay Clark and many others came together and a flame of the Spirit was lit that will spread around the world.

You can find out more about Kenneth Hagin ministries and Rhema Bible College if you go to Rhema.org

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