Latest World News | Coronavirus: The Indian factory making 6,000 syringes a minute

3 years ago

Coronavirus: The Indian factory making 6,000 syringes a minute

Coronavirus: The Indian factory making 6,000 syringes a minute
Rajiv Nath, who heads India's largest syringe factory, says he is turning down as many as 40 requests for syringes from across the world.

Mr Nath's Hindustan Syringes & Medical Devices (HMD) is in huge demand now as countries try to ramp up vaccination against Covid-19.

The factory is currently producing some four million syringes a day but Mr Nath says that's still not enough given that the world needs 10 billion syringes to vaccinate just 60% of its population.

He hopes that better coordination between the WHO, governments and syringe makers will smooth the way going forward.

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