3 years ago

Did you know that American's are the STRAWMAN of the Corporation of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA?

Colonel Edward Mandell House Predicts the Creation of the STRAWMAN in the United States. This is the first real evidence found that our current Social, Financial and Legal system was deliberately designed to enslave humanity. You do not want to miss watching this important and informative video. It is short but it is packed.

The information of is based on the research of judge Anna Von Reitz, James Belcher, the Living Law Firm, and the team of world wide researchers who have been studying, searching and uncovering the truth for the last 40 years.

Judge Anna Von Reitz has assembled and shown us all the puzzle of fraud used to enslave the American people for 160 years by Corporations masquerading as our government, when in fact they are nothing but governmental services contractors assuming power they never had.

The information Judge Anna Von Reitz provides is the big secret that has been purposely hidden from Americans (and everyone on planet Earth) for the last 160 years, by the 2 biggest commercial crime syndicates on the planet.

The process of declaring your political status back on the land and soil, joining your state assembly and going through the process of self governing, places we the living people back in control of our own destiny, and places us in a position to hold sway over the rogue corporations that are killing us and our planet.

It is time to get educated on these processes, lace up our boots, and get busy taking back control of our country, then mankind will have the model to take back control of planet Earth.

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