3 years ago

The time for prayer is now. The time for concern for those who are planning to 'repent' and 'believe' in the future, is now. To most people, satan does not say 'the Bible is not the true Word of God'...or... 'you don't have to receive Jesus Christ as Savior to go to heaven when you die'. BUT, what satan DOES do is make everyone 'content' in their present state, AND, tell them... 'don't worry...you've got plenty of time'!. Plenty of time to 'get right with God'...plenty of time to 'prepare to die'. But as scripture teaches... 'don't boast yourself of tomorrow'. Will you risk missing heaven [for eternity], for a few years of pleasure? A 'life-change' starts with a 'heart-change'. '...believe ON--(the devil believes IN Jesus) the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved [from the penalty of sin]'. God Have Mercy...on us all.

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