3 years ago

'The Blood of Jesus' was the accepted sacrifice for the sins of the world...and to all who believe ON Jesus, is the power of resurrection and eternal life. In prayer, WORDS are important to keep the 'evil one' at bay. Just say 'In The Name of Jesus', and 'I Claim THE BLOOD' ... and you can feel the departure of 'satan's presence'.
Revelation 1:5 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)
5 And from Jesus Christ the faithful and trustworthy Witness, the Firstborn of the dead [first to be brought back to life] and the Prince (Ruler) of the kings of the earth. To Him Who [a]ever loves us and has [b]once [for all] loosed and freed us from our sins by His own blood,
[47th Anniversary -- 'I Want Us To Be Together In Heaven' -- CD]
Recorded at SonSound. Soundtrack by BigFeat.net

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