Most Common Prepping Mistakes & How To Avoid Them

3 years ago

Because there is some much involved with preparedness, and it’s somewhat a “Hurry up and wait” situation, it can be tough to maintain our preparedness level. In this video we talked about some of the most common prepping mistakes, and how we can avoid these common prepping pitfalls.

For the beginning prepper these mistakes are somewhat unavoidable, but for the seasoned prepper it’s more of a self-inflicted wound. The further we go in our preparedness journey the harder it is to stay focused and avoid prepping mistakes. When nothing happens for a while we tend to get complacent with our preps and overestimate our abilities and preparedness level.

To me, being prepared and prepping is something that every single American really needs to be doing. The level of preparedness is completely dependent on the individuals wants and needs. If you are just beginning your prepping journey this is a great place to start.

Having a false sense of security, preparing for the wrong disasters (or ignoring other disaster scenarios) and not stockpiling the right prepping supplies are all traps we fall into from time to time. It’s important that we identify these prepping pitfalls as quickly as possible and correct them.

Read the full article from Survivalist Prepper about 10 Mistakes Most Preppers Make:

Stay safe and prepared!

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