Congrats on Your Vax! | 4/26/21

3 years ago

A new week, a new Pat Gray Bingo card! Biden makes his way through the first 100 days of his presidency. So eating meat is racist now? Crime might be "spiraling out of control" at the George Floyd memorial and autonomous zone. Is Portland’s mayor finally taking action to stop Antifa? It only took a year! A new greeting card comes out for getting your vaccine, "Congrats on your vax!" The former CDC director is now the CEO of the foundation that funds The Biden administration continues working on the abortion issue, reversing some of former President Trump’s regulations and loosening restrictions. Ma’Khia Bryant defenders claim that they shouldn’t have to be "perfect" in order to not be the victims of police violence. An F15C could be used on U.S. citizens while they’re shopping. Brandon Tatum goes on the BBC and flips the script on systemic racism. A local church in Bellingham, Washington, comes out with the "Ten Commandments" to stay safe from COVID. President Biden may be inviting "climate migrants" into the country.

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