If you want to be raptured, you must refrain from these deadly Things ❤️ Love Letter from Jesus

3 years ago

Text & Audio of Video Content & Related Messages... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2018/12/18/wenn-ihr-entruckt-werden-wollt-if-you-want-to-be-raptured/
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Source... Sister Clare's full Teachings in english... http://www.heartdwellers.org

Jesus says... If you want to be raptured, you must refrain from these deadly Things

December 10, 2018 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

Clare began... Precious Holy Spirit, please come and possess us. Let Your Holy thoughts and temperament and all Your ways change what is left of the flesh in us... Amen.

My dear ones, some of you have expressed a bit of anxiety over whether or not you will be Raptured with your loved ones. I want to address those of you, especially, who have been fighting the good fight — especially against judgment and a bad temper.

Beneath this temper are seeds of bitterness, with layers and layers of disappointment for that seed to grow into a huge, strangling vine. Some of you, dear ones, have allowed yourselves to have a seething temper and a raging attitude against others. I am telling you that unless you conquer that, you will be left behind.

When you hold the sins of others against them, you build up anger and rancor. You are nourishing Satan’s seed in the garden of your heart. You are feeding a monster that will choke out all that was good in you and leave you for a bitter, shriveled mess.

You will not stand before God, because you are clinging to the wrongs, or what you feel are the wrongs, of others. It is this way. One who holds unforgiveness in their hearts is offering a chalice of poison to the person who hurt you. But they don’t drink — you do. They go on their way with their lives, perhaps not even knowing how you feel about them. In the meantime, that bitterness turns to poison and feeds a thriving root of bitterness that chokes out everything that is good.

Have you ever met someone who is always on the edge of anger? Always finding fault with others? Always over reacting to situations and ranting? That person has a huge root of bitterness in their hearts that is now bearing very bad fruit. Were you abused in your childhood? Are you persecuted by those you hoped would love you? These are the weapons Satan uses to put you in bondage, and ruin what could have been good in your life.

Jesus demonstrated to us how to handle the Romans who were extremely cruel to Him. He said... 'Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.' This is the posture we must have when dealing with wounds in our lives. We can not afford to let them fester and breed with all kinds of bacteria, making our hearts a sewer of indignation and self-righteousness.

Dear ones. Judgment, criticism, hatred - all of these things are like a stinky diaper. The Lord wants us to know we are dealing with people who have been broken, wounded, and never forgave their parents, their boss, etc. They carry around their hatred for everyone and open their mouths to give self-righteous judgements about others—not understanding that they themselves are turning into the same kind of person.

We have an expression around here, when something sounds like gossip. Ezekiel and I will pipe up and say, "Dirty diaper! Uh, uh...leave it alone!" And it works... But that's how the Saints perceive it. It makes a terrible stench for the Cloud of Witnesses standing around. It's a horrible odor.

Rather, the Lord wants us to bind the broken-hearted, to pray for those who persecute us, and refrain from judging. Sure, the abuse is wrong! But don’t assign motives to the other person as to why they are reacting that way. Understand that underneath is bitterness and disappointment they let grow to a huge root of bitterness, never forgiving those who hurt them. And what these people need is to know how much they are loved by the Lord. And need kindness, gentleness, understanding, and compassion.


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