Cajun French - Animals Part 4

3 years ago

As always, thank you to the volunteers lending their voices and their time to helping preserve our Cajun Language and culture.

Goose; l'oie. Pronounced "l'wah" in SF, but le "zwah" in CF.)
Robin: la grive.
Blackbird: le choque.
Quail: le perdrix.
Deer: le chevreuil.
Wild boar: le sanglier.
Guinea: la pintale.
Pintail duck: le paillon.
Snipe: le cache-cache or la bécasinne.
Buzzard: le carencro (mispronunciation of "carrion crow.")
Crow: le corbeau.
Hummingbird: le suce-fleur (the flower-sucker).
Snake: le serpent.
Rattlesnake: le serpent sonnette.
Water moccasin: le serpent congo.
Bat: la chauve-souris. (Some people turn it around and say "la souris-chaude.) Notice the first one means the "bald mouse," while the second one is a mispronounciation and actually means the "hot mouse.")
Rabbit: le lapin.

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