Breaking: Kamala Harris isn’t eligible

3 years ago

A serious violation of the constitution!

Kamala Harris on January 20th swore to uphold the constitution.

Well... she’s violating the constitution and she needs to be removed

There is a difference between her and Obama.

Obama was raised in this country by his mother and grandmother in Hawaii.

His mom is a US Citizen at the time of birth.

The problem was that Obama was born out of wedlock. His father was a British Kenyan who needed to declare he was the father and help support his son until 18.

But Kamala Harris was conceived out of wedlock of 2 noncitizen students at the time of birth.

Shymala Gopalan had no intention to naturalize in America. Her intention was to return and marry into an arranged marriage after she completed her degree in America.

Don Harris was here on a PhD program as well.

And in 1972, Shymala divorced Don and moved to Canada shortly after.

Kamala spent her formative years in Canadian schools and graduated from a Canadian high school. She returned in 1984.

Her father was the economic advisor to the PM of Jamaica in 1978. Did he naturalize before 1982?

Kamala Harris is not just a birther issue
And she doesn’t get automatic citizenship bc she was the granddaughter of a foreign diplomat of India PV Gopalan.

She is a British Jamaican native and a Indian citizen at birth. Citizenship flows from your parents.

And one reason she’s not active at the Texas border is that she wants open borders bc she is not eligible constitutionally for president or Vice President.

She needed to naturalize and consent like everyone who comes here and relinquish her citizenship with India and Jamaica.

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