People are social beings

3 years ago

The history of viruses began more than 3.5 billion years ago in the dawn of life, when cells did not even exist. Viruses are ubiquitous in the oceans, our environment, in animals, plants, bacteria, in our bodies, even in our genetic material. There are more viruses than stars in the sky. This was written by Karin Mölling, a virus and cancer researcher who worked for 20 years at the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics in Berlin and then in Zurich. My intention to make this video was not only to emphasize the scientific aspects (earth planet movement and importance of UV-C solar radiation with regard to viruses), but also the problems associated with the measures taken by the lockdowns (worldwide). The video starts by showing the sun through a telescope and shows its split light over small waster droplets (solar spectrum). Then there is an animation showing the seasons and the associated cold and flu virus waves. In the background, the sound of waves on the ocean can be heard breaking on the rocky beach. The virus waves of 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 can then be seen in diagrams accompanied by acoustic effects. The second part is about the (drastic) measures of the government(s) and the associated consequences, especially for the youngest and the old of society.

Translated with (free version)

What do the Corona measures do to our children?
A Statement by brain researcher Gerald Hüther (German)

Trailer - The inner call (German)

The corona school study (Saxony)

Update 22.04.2021
The Lockdown Paradigm Is Collapsing
Heut ist der Tag, an dem ich den Mund aufmache. Ich kann nicht mehr schweigen.
Hospitalisierung und Sterblichkeit von COVID-19 bei Kindern in Deutschland

References and licenses

Arcadia by Kevin MacLeod

Baroque music
Johann Sebastian Bach
Second movement of his Suite No. 3 in D major
BWV 1068 (Air)
Violin I, Violin II, Viola
Performed by Stefan Mergler
Cello (transposed for Viola)
Performed by Stefan Mergler
Sound engineering and editing

Solar system, seasons (PowerPoint)
Animation drawing and editing by Stefan Mergler

Rainbow, solar spectrum (visible through small water droplets)
Videos by Stefan Mergler

Diagrams (April 2021)
EuroMomo and Worldometer

Podsdam square and subway station
Image and video by Stefan Mergler

Swings forbitten
Netfund (Social Media, Telegram)

Dejected lockdown mood
Image by Anni Spratt from Unsplash
Public domain

Clown puppet
Image by Stefan Mergler from Pixabay
Public domain

Girl wearing a mask
Image by Pedro Wroclaw from Pixabay
Public domain

Girl reaching for stencils in a classroom while wearing a mask
Image by Kelly Sikkema from Unsplash
Public domain

Flying balloons (Freedom demonstration)
Video by Stefan Mergler

Waves crashing on rock beach (Sound)
YouTube Media library

Ocean Shore (sound effects)
Kamarius Music
Sound FX are royalty free (GEMA-free)

Water hose (sound)
Recorded by Stefan Mergler

Studies on the effectiveness and consequences of lockdowns
50 Papers!

Stay‑at‑home policy is a case of exception fallacy:
An internet‑based ecological study
Savaris et al., Scientific Reports 2021

Books (German)
Karin Mölling
Supermacht des Lebens
C.H. Paperback, München, 2020

Karina Reiss / Sucharit Bhakdi
Neue Zahlen, Daten und Hintergründe
Goldeck Verlag GmbH, Berlin, 2021

Clemens G. Arvay
Wir könnden es besser
Wie Umweltzerstörung die Corona-Pandemie auslöste
und warum ökologische Medizin unsere Rettung ist
Quadriga Verlag 2020

Clemens G. Arvay
Corona Impfstoffe
Rettung oder Risiko?
Wirkungsweisen, Schutz und
Quadriga Verlag 2021

Last but not least
John P.A. Ioannidis
Reconciling estimates of global spread and
infection fatality rates (IFR) of COVID‐19:
An overview of systematic evaluations (23.03.2021)

All systematic evaluations of seroprevalence data
converge that SARS‐CoV‐2 infection is widely spread globally.
Acknowledging residual uncertainties, the available evidence
suggests average global IFR of ~0.15% and ~1.5‐2.0 billion
infections by February 2021 with substantial differences in IFR
and in infection spread across continents, countries, and locations.

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