South Maluku National Anthem (1950–1963; Vocal) Maluku, Tanah Airku

3 years ago

South Maluku, officially the Republic of South Maluku (Republik Maluku Selatan) is an unrecognized secessionist republic in the southern Maluku Islands archipelago (Indonesia).
The South Maluku anthem is called "Maluku tanah airku" (Maluku my homeland) and was written by Chris Soumokil and O. Sahalessy in the Malay language, with Melanesian Moluccan words mixed in.

The South Moluccas consist of about 150 islands in the Banda Sea. The main islands are Ceram, Ambon, and Buru. The people of the South Moluccas are mainly Melanesian Christians, numbering about one million.
The Maluku Islands or the Moluccas (Molukken) are the birthplace of the revolutionary movement called RMS. Notable South Moluccan communities outside Indonesia can be found in the Netherlands as well as the USA, California. In the colonial era South Moluccans were considered a Martial Race of the Dutch East Indies.

(Maluku Lyrics / Lirik Lagu Kebangsaan RMS)
Oh Maluku, tanah airku, -
Tanah tumpah darahku. -
Ku berbakti kepadamu -
Slama hari hidupku. -
Engkaulah pusaka raya -
Yang leluhur dan teguh. -
Aku junjung selamanya
Hingga sampai ajalku. -
Aku ingat terlebih -
Sejarahmu yang pedih. -

(English Lyrics / Translation)
Maluku, my homeland, -
My land of origin.-
I devote my strength to thee -
As long as I may live.
Thou art my great heritage -
Uplifted above all. -
I will always honor thee -
Until my dying day. -
I will recall in memory -
Above all thy harrowing history. -

(Dutch Lyrics / Songtekst)
Molukken, mijn vaderland, -
Mijn geboorteland, -
U wijd ik mijn krachten, -
Zolang ik leef. -
Gij zijt het grote erfdeel, -
Hoog boven alles verheven. -
Ik zal U steeds hooghouden -
Tot aan mijn dood toe. -
Ik zal vooral gedenken -
Uw schrijnende geschiedenis. -

Maluku Anthem / Volkslied Zuid Molukken / Lagu Kebangsaan Republik Maluku Selatan / RMS Volkslied / Lagu Kebangsaan RMS / Republic of South Maluku / Republic of South Moluccas / Republik Maluku Selatan / Republiek Zuid-Molukken / République des Moluques du Sud / Южный Малуку / Südmolukken / Molucas del Sur / Molucas do Sul / Molucche del Sud / Republika Południowych Moluków / Sud Maluku / Jižní Moluky / Maluku de Sud / 南マルク / Güney Maluku / Južni Maluku / Dél-Maluku / جنوب مالوكو /

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