Rapture, Events, Nibiru, Yellowstone, Muslims, Russia and bred Creatures ❤️ Love Letter from Jesus

3 years ago

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Rapture, Events, Nibiru, Yellowstone & Bred Creatures

March 2, 2015 – Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

Jesus began… “The Destroyer will not come until the end. The things you have been shown are to happen after you are taken. This will be a record for some that they not lose hope but see clearly that I am in control, they can take Me at My word, and it is not hopeless.“

“I want mankind to have confidence in Me and My Mercy. That is why I have foretold these events, at least in part. To have some kind of roadmap will give them security, they can see things unfolding and will know I foretold and am in control. I already said that, didn’t I?”

“Well, I am repeating it because it is so important that men not fall into despair. The temptation to fall into despair will be very powerful and by this the Devil will snatch many away in his grip.“

“You must know, Remnant of Earth, there will be an end to the tragedy and the day will come when all is restored in pristine purity and evil is harnessed. In those times whatever evil emerges will be from the hearts of men, not demons. And there will be a baptism by fire to cleanse the Earth and the hearts of men. It will never be forgotten by those remaining alive. And yet as time goes by, men will forget as they did at the waters of Meribah and again I shall be forced to purify the evil from Earth – this time for good.

“The Destroyer (The planet Nibiru) will not come until you are removed, My Brides. There will be a season of chaos directly after you leave in which nations will conquer nations and Marshall Law will be installed under Shariah principles (Islamic Law). All that do not renounce Me will be slain. All that take the Mark of the Beast, well, they will perish. Know that My Mercy shall know no boundaries for those who call to Me in these times.“

“Rise up, My People and call unto Me, and I will save you. Trust Me, trust Me, even with your heads. What you suffer on Earth will be nothing compared to those with the Mark. The beasts you questioned Me about are being bred inside the Earth. They, too, will come forth to wreak havoc at the appropriate time.”

“The living will envy the dead. This goes for every species, not just man. Do I not love each and every creature with tenderness and devotion? Do I not provide for them every day: water to swim in, food to eat, sun to warm… My providence abounds. But, they will come to Me during the worst part, as many already have and are happily with Me in Heaven. Clare, I love all creatures. I know how to ease their suffering. Trust Me.”

“All of creation is suffering for this sinful generation, All. It is the consummation and pinnacle of evil from the very beginning.”

“Things are going to gradually deteriorate as the planet gets closer and satan will be in a hurry to impose his agenda on mankind. There will be desperate attempts to force the Mark (Mark of the Beast) and the suffering of those with families will be devastating. But, I will be with them to give them strength – only just endure to the end, for the Crown of Victory awaits you.“

“When people have gotten to the point where they believe there is no more hope, that is when I will come and restore all things. Right then, at the very darkest hour, I will come. As in Ezekiel’s dream, there will remain remnants of technology that functions. I have protected this because there will be a need for communication. I will continue to use the internet, radio and other media to reach My People with a message of hope. All will not disintegrate as you suppose. And I have not allowed for the E-bomb that fries all technology.”

“No, it is much more like the movie (10.5 Apocalypse), you saw.”

“The Rapture will be the beginning of the end. All are awaiting that. Not only Christians, but the evil ones as well. They will take advantage to install their system because of the disappearance of many. Yet it will take time. There will be intervals of peace. Your country (America) will not be completely destroyed, land masses, earthquakes, the separation of the continent will not happen until the end. In the meantime, there will be war on your soil. I have told you about Miami. Do not listen to other voices. What I told you is accurate. Believe it or not.”

“Even now Russia is planning to strike your country. Even now they are seriously stalking the American continent. They have many in place here in America. Weapons are hidden in the forests. Underground entrances will be opened up on American soil for artillery and other weapons to emerge. It will be for the most part a conventional war.”

(Clare) Will New York City be nuked or flooded by tsunamis?

(Jesus) “Nuked.”

(Clare) But what about all these ideas of tsunamis and quakes, etc.

(Jesus) “What will be left will go down underwater, it will actually happen simultaneously with the bombs. It will be both.”

(Clare) Oh Jesus, all the innocents.

(Jesus) “Yes, My Love. All the innocents. Remember, Clare – I love them more than you can possibly imagine. I will take them quickly and mercifully. It will be for those who remain a hell-on-earth scenario.“

“You saw the Koreans and Russians. They will be in many areas, as well as American Muslim recruits – that will be treacherous. People will lose faith in humanity because of the betrayals of their own.“

“These recruits have been convinced they are doing a good thing by killing every man woman and child in the name of Allah. They will find a vent for their anger at mankind and the hard lives they lived because of the selfishness of many – the inequality, being rejected and looked down upon. They will be dazed with blood lust. And there will be no stopping them without lethal force.“

“Yet, I will have My pockets of survivors, those who have not bent the knee to Baal. I will protect them, but they will suffer much. They will be tried by fire and when I come – be found worthy. This will be a very small percentage of mankind. Your family will be among those survivors. Much of what you taught them growing up was preparation for this time. There will be much brokenness and repentance among them.“

“What you left behind for them will be a goldmine of instruction, but My Spirit will be with them and much that they do will be what they learned from you growing up. They will be healed of their bitterness and judgments as the realization dawns on them that you were both for real.”

“Most of these things you have known as I have spoken to you along the way. Much of what you think are your thoughts are Mine. They are weighed and balanced with much consideration of truth. Truth is your plumb line and as long as you hold to that you will not err.”

(Clare) What about Yellowstone, Lord. It has the capacity to destroy America?

(Jesus) “There is a pattern with Yellowstone. The main caldera will erupt but it will be on a much smaller scale than is anticipated. This will be My doing. My Mercy. However, there will be many new outlets for the magma, much like Kilauea. The magma will bubble up from underground for many miles, just as you have seen in the vision.”

“I still have plans for America. I will break and humble her, but I will also restore. I wound and I bind up. Yes, this land is corrupt and has led many into heinous crimes, but still there is a remnant of goodness which I shall increase. I will not totally destroy her, only severely break and reorder her thinking.”

“Yes, there are groups of militants that will fight for liberty. They will be much like My people when they conquered enemy territory. I will be with them, I will fight with them and protect them supernaturally, because of what they stand for. They will be the backbone of this country when she is restored. There will be many heroes and saints among them.”

(Clare) But, I thought You viewed this whole thing like in the movie ‘the Mission’, where you just allow yourself to die rather than take up arms?

(Jesus) “Not so. I will empower these men and be with them. Again, for what they stand for. There will be skirmishes and wars round about. I have some very talented warriors planted among them. They will rise up at the appropriate time. They will be endowed with supernatural wisdom because they will rely on Me, not on their own devices.”

“The cities will not be safe. The wilderness will be much safer. Yet, there have been prepared creatures that will seek out humans and hunt them down in the forests and ravines. This is where great wisdom is called for. Many will use My Name to defend themselves from these creatures and I will work on their behalf. Monstrosities of nature, bred and tailored to seek out and destroy.”

(Clare) Here is a real life episode from two young men in a young adult group, and what they did when a Grizzly charged them. The one man had just been saved the day before. It was spring time, and he and his brother went for a hike. They just rounded a bend when they heard the unmistakable sound of a grizzly sow, who they assumed was protecting her cubs. She was at a full charge only about 40 feet away. They said, “All we knew to do was call on the Name of Jesus, so in that moment we both simultaneously said, ‘In the Name of Jesus, STOP.’ And in that moment, she halted immediately,throwing up a cloud of dust. She then grunted and lumbered off in the direction she had come from.

So use the Name of Jesus, to stop these monsters as well. It may be your only recourse.

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