What has just happened... Was the Rapture real ? Info for the Left Behind ❤️ Love Letter from Jesus

3 years ago

Text & Audio of Video Content & Related Messages... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2016/03/14/was-ist-gerade-geschehen-liebe-hoffnung-und-instruktionen-von-jesus-what-has-just-happened-love-hope-and-instructions-from-jesus/
Instructions for the Left Behind... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/jesus-gives-instructions-for-the-left-behind/
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Source... Sister Clare's full Teachings in english... http://www.heartdwellers.org

What has just happened... Was the Rapture real?
Love, Hope & Instructions for Those left behind

Clare began... We are so sorry. We just wish we could have told you. We just wish you could have known somehow. We wish you had listened. We wish you could have cared. We wish you could have known! We are so sorry, but we had to go.

We wish we could have seen you more, have been with you more, given you more. And now you have to face the most horrible, terrible times that have ever come upon this Earth. You sadly didn’t believe us. But now it’s happened, and everything else is coming. Just like the Scriptures say. The Bible is true. Do not doubt that ever. There is one way still to escape the worst.

Turn to Jesus now. While you can. It seems to make no sense, but the things of God really do, because His mind is so much higher than ours. You can’t do this anymore on your own.

Only He knows everything. Only He can save you. He made you. He made you because He loves you. He’s the only one that ever can or ever will love you completely and unconditionally. He knows everything that is really good for you, and everything that’s going to hurt you. And He knows what will surely kill you.

All He wants is for you to be happy, to be protected, to be free. Truly free, to become so completely happy and fulfilled. It’s all been prepared for you. He’s been waiting, waiting to help you. To keep you from being trapped in the most terrifying place of horror and torture... In Hell. Yes, Hell is real. God did not set it up for you. You were not made to dwell there ever.

You were made for a place where you’ll never be hurting or lonely, tired or hungry, with absolutely no such thing as pain. Only to be more happy and forever young and free, than even you could ever imagine... FOREVER.

It’s your choice. It’s all in your hands now. To live or to die. To suffer forever worse and worse or to be guaranteed to be so awesomely happy, loved and protected forever.

This is all we can ask of you now... please tell Jesus you’re sorry and ask Him to come and take over your life now. Give it to Him. He will run to save you.

(Jackie) We have put His Messages for you on our Website jesus-comes.com. Below this Video you find a Link to the EBook. He gives instructions on how to follow Him - and live through these next seven years of Tribulation. If you turn to Him now - He will keep you safe, guide you and protect you. He will teach you everything you need to know... where to go, how to live, how to evade the enemy. He will provide you with food and clothing and medicines or healing if you will only trust Him with your whole heart now.

Finally, we want to warn you now – whatever you do... Do not take the Mark of the Beast! Do not allow Injections, a Chip or anything else into your body in order to buy food or to sell or pay something. If you take this Chip into your body, it will be impossible for you to turn to God, because they will be able to control your mind. This is no 'Conspiracy Theory' talk, it is no 'religious' talk - it is very real. Please take it seriously!



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