Daddy Is Speaking, To The One Anxious About The Future

3 years ago

The world has framed our minds, our way of thinking, and our measure of success. As believers, we are called to be in this world, but not of this world because we belong to Him. As Jesus spoke to His Father, “I’m not asking you to take them out of the world, but to keep them safe from the evil one,” John 17:5.

What does that look like? It means not to follow the norm, not to get caught up in the culture and what is the popular thing to do, and not to live and pursue the things of the world because they are all passing away.

You are taught to go to school, then go to college, find a good job then get married with a house, white picket fence, children, and a dog. So, you hurriedly pursue these goals and measure yourself to them, and to others all around you. Trying to keep up with the “Jones” only to find yourself full of anxiety, restlessness, and discontentment.

You put your relationship with Jesus on the back burner because you have other priorities that are at the top of your list, that you must accomplish, and plus, He doesn’t seem to answer you quick enough anyway. So, you continue on with your late nights of studying, pursuing success and happiness found in your degrees, in your circle of friends, and in your status, which is all a mirage to the truth of your real worth which is only found in Him.

You find yourself frustrated when friendships continue to diminish because they were founded on superficialism and not virtue. You long for companionship and love and become easily disheartened when you realize no one rarely approaches you and any hope for a relationship doesn’t last long. Why? It is not because you’re not attractive, or that something is wrong with you. It is because He is hiding you, beloved one. You are His and he will never give you to another who will not take care of your heart and draw you closer to Him.

You see, you don’t belong to the world, and He has set you apart to bear fruit that will last. You are a friend of Jesus and He has called you, as he says in John 15:16, “…for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit…fruit that will last.”

He is leading you, beloved one, and His ways are not our ways. God loves to write straight with crooked lines...., only if you would trust him. He is your good shepherd and will never lead you astray. Remember, Martha was concerned with so many things, but Mary chose the better half, Luke 10:41.

So, choose Jesus over everything. Choose Jesus over all. Waste your life completely on Him, for His Kingdom and with Him, for His Glory. Sit and stay at his feet. There you will find true peace, purpose, and vision of the future because no future without Jesus is a future at all.

God The Father began,

“My beloved one, your purity stands before me like a royal diadem. You are royalty, my beloved one, heavenly royalty and that is why you have found it difficult in different areas of your life to fit in. You are unique and I guard you with a jealous love from friendships and from relationships that I know will lead you astray from what I have created you to be.

I want to be your best friend, I want to be your Father, I want to be your all in all. I wait for my little one. Although you come to me many times, it’s in haste and how I long to calm your anxious heart, give you wisdom and my perspective. Give me your heart, my beloved one, and every desire of yours will be fulfilled. For true contentment, and joy are found in me alone. The world will leave you wanting and empty.

You are like a puzzle piece and shaped uniquely to fit in the bigger picture. When you put that piece in any other area in the frame of the puzzle beside where it’s meant to be, it won’t fit, and it finds no room among many of the other pieces, bedsides where it’s supposed to be. My beloved one, that is you in my heart. There is a unique shape only you can fit. No one else in all the world, in Heaven or upon Earth can fit that peice in My Heart and when you are not there I am grieved. I am hurting and I too long for you.

Yes, I long for you. So come my child, come and enter into that unique place shaped perfectly for you. Snuggle yourself into Me where you will find comfort; rest from the toils of this life, peace, and a hope for the future I have for you. I miss you and long to bask in your presence when you spend time with Me. There I wait as a longing Father to hear my daughter’s concerns, to pick up your chin, to hold you tenderly in my arms and say, “Rest: rest here my love a little while longer and receive my immense love for you. Come…

Your Daddy is speaking.”


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