Clear skin fast with subliminals - get GLOWY skin with your mind

3 years ago

Want beautiful clear skin that looks glowy and healthy?

You can change anything you want in your life right now.
All you have to do is convince your subconscious mind that it is possible! How do you impress your subconscious mind? Subliminals are the fastest way!

♥️What are subliminals and how do they work?
They are affirmations that go directly to your subconscious mind without going through the filter of the conscious mind.
They can be helpful in cases that our mind does not believe that what we desire is possible.
The subconscious mind doesn’t know “possible” or “impossible” so this is why we want to place the desired affirmations there.

♥️My personal story with subliminals:
I started making my own subliminals a few years ago for personal use.
After my surroundings started noticing the changes in me as well, I knew I wanted to create more and more, discover how else I can improve myself. Now I share them here so you can get the same results too.
I love manifesting my life and changing my reality for the better every single day. I am committed and made this a way of living. You can do it too, or you can just focus one or two things you want to achieve and then go on with your life. You do not have to be spiritual to get results, however you do need to believe it is working.

♥️Tips from Nina:
Headphones are recommended although not mandatory
It is always best to use a minimum amount of affirmations that describe the exact results. We want to keep it short and repetitive for the brain, and not over flow it with information.
Listen as many times as you like, falling asleep to the sounds are highly recommended.
To accelerate results - visualize the desire already fulfilled while listening. Do not focus on your current reality.

♥️What in this track?
This is a layered sound track created by me.
It contains:
A copyright free music in full volume
A secondary track of affirmations recorded by me, in 1% or max 2% volume.

I only use positive affirmations.

The affirmations used in this subliminal:
I have clear skin
My skin is glowing
I have a beautiful skin
My pores are small and blurred
I have an even skin tone
My skin is healthy
My skin is hydrated
My skin is now healed
I take good care of my skin
Any blemishes on my skin are now disappearing
My skin is radiant
My skin looks youthful
My skin is tight
I have bright skin
I have naturally beautiful skin
I wake up every morning with clear skin

I want to read about your successes. Please come back to the comments below and tell me!

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