The David Knight Show 23Apr2021 - Full Show

3 years ago

INTERVIEW 2nd Hr: Catherine Austin Fitts,

INTERVIEW 3rd Hr: Gerald Celente,

Celebs & pundits defend knife attacker shot by police

Biden & Democrats’ relentless pursuit to bankrupt & starve energy with “every bill a climate change bill”

Ontario cops rough up 12 yr old for not wearing mask — silence from media

“Mass Vaccination Centers” shutting down due to lack of demand as some get saline solutions and some get undiluted 6X dose

Politico bans “crisis” in describing Biden’s border crisis — call it Politburo

topics by timecode
8:17 The Pentagon’s 5G Health Conspiracy Theory

They claim Russia is using microwave Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) against soldiers that created flu-like symptoms, brain fog, etc. A look at the Frey Effect, electroceuticals and concerns about 5G health effects

21:44 UN Women’s Rights Commission chooses Iran. Is it hypocrisy or is Iran’s approach to women what the UN really embraces?

25:03 Joe Biggs jailed for no reason after being under house arrest for 2 months; Police Sergeant fired for donation to Kyle Rittenhouse; Politico bans “crisis” in discussing Biden’s border crisis — call them Politburo now?

29:05 Pundits and Celebs Bring a Knife to a Gun Fight

Where are Lebron’s sponsors? From my personal experience with Michael Jordan, Lebron is NO Michael Jordan. Sorry NBC, Juan Williams, Lebron — you’re not going to win this one.

50:21 Look at the “rules” posted at the George Floyd “autonomous zone”. Sounds like Jim Crow, seriously. Call them “George Crow” rules for white people?

56:02 INTERVIEW Catherine Austin Fitts: This is a Slave System Orchestrated by Central Banks. Who’s behind the global lockdown? What’s the plan? How do we fight back? Catherine Austin Fitts, joins to explain

1:45:42 “Mass Vax Sites”: Some Get Saline Solutions, Some Get 6X dose

1:56:24 NOT TikTok Dancing: Brazil Nursing Staff Expose the COVID Lie

0:00 INTERVIEW Gerald Celente: It’s Demonic

Gerald Celente,, on China’s Belt & Road, rare earth minerals bottleneck, debt, inflation — and liberty! May29, Memorial Day defiance of lockdown, find out more at

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