Happiness is all in your mind: Gen Kelsang Nyema at TEDx Talks

3 years ago

Simple, profound truths are the realm of this Buddhist nun. Her message? The gift of happiness truly lies within our own hearts and minds. Gen Kelsang Nyema, exuding a peacefulness that immediately connects with the audience, starts by asking three questions: Are you having a good day? Why? Tomorrow, would you rather have a good day or a bad day? She teaches that we cannot put our happiness at the whim of other people and of circumstances. If we want to be happy, we have to "stop outsourcing our happiness to other people" and cultivate a source of inner peace. What happens next is quite astounding. The whole crowd of 350+ people proceeds to meditate with Nyema. There's a little squirming at first, but as she leads the audience through a calm citation of how to rest the mind, audience members feel a collective relaxation flow into the room and through the people. Fascinating! Refreshing.

How to Understand the Mind: The Nature and Power of the Mind
CLICK HERE →→→ https://amzn.to/3tIenM2

Living Meaningfully, Dying Joyfully: The Profound Practice of Transference of Consciousness by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso
CLICK HERE →→→ https://amzn.to/2QTUYta

How to Transform Your Life: A Blissful Journey by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso
CLICK HERE →→→ https://amzn.to/3nhYObK

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