Unity and Truth

3 years ago

This is a newsletter from April 1998

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It should be quite clear to any observer of news and trends that we are heading (as the Bible foretells) for a world government and a world religion—and that the two will be united. Gone will be any "separation between church and state." It should be equally clear that a basic requirement of the world religion (steps toward which are rewarded by the Templeton Prize for Progress in Religion) will be that it must be inoffensive and universally accepted.
"Political/religious correctness" is essential to the false unity desired by this world. "Spirituality" without truth will be the rule. The world will have returned to Babel, where the "city" (i.e., the secular government) and the "tower" (i.e., the religion) were united: "[L]et us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven..." (Gen 11:4). Those who persist in the claim that some teachings are wrong will be silenced for the good of society. That trend is already reflected by TBN's Paul Crouch, whose prayer demands immunity from correction: "God, we proclaim death to anything or anyone that would lift a hand against this ministry...."

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