2015-04-17 - Voice (Sound) of Trumpet, 2 Raptues 144000 and Great Multitude

3 years ago

TO SEE FIRST VIDEO IN SERIES (2020-05-04 - Yes, There's 2 Raptures Proven in the Wedding Supper) GO TO 144,000 PLAYLIST
Voice of the Trumpet Ex 19:19, 20:19, Rev 1:10
70 Elders Ex 24:9-12
600,000 x 2 x .00006 = 72
Distinct Sound 1 Cor 14:7-11
Mat 24:31 Voice of the Trumpet
1 Thes 4:15-7 Voice of the archangel Dan 12:1-3
Rev 4:1 first voice of as it were a trumpet talking, "Come up here"
1 Cor 15:51- last (7th) Trumpet, the trumpet shall sound - salpizo
Rev 8:6-13; 9:1, 9:13, 10:7, 11:15

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