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“Diversity” Vs. Diversity.

3 years ago

The “diversity” that dominates our political and cultural discourse is actually a monolithic ideology founded on the overbroad, superficial categories––white, black, Asian, etc.–– of scientific racism. It exists as a propaganda tool for illiberal identity politics that are inimical to our Constitutional order of individual unalienable rights. Ironically, it was the real diversity of Colonial America that required the balanced and divided powers the Founders ultimately created. Today “diversity” is being used as a tool to dismantle that order to create a progressive technocracy.


  • 0/2000
  • It is called segregation or at least it used to be called that and it was used as a weapon to keep minorities, usually Black minorities, in a lower rungs of society. It was corrected by something called integration which artificially made all Americans equal. Now integration is being seen as a mistake, and minorities are demanding a new segregation as the road to equality. It is not madness but a way to weaponize differences among people and making them hate each other.

  • Surely some media organizations like CNN for instance are guilty of sedition or even treason with their fake news broadcasts so why can’t they be brought up on charges? And why can’t people who riot and promote anarchy and lawlessness not be brought up on similar charges or at the least charged with urban terrorism? There is also the question of the Education institutions and big Tech who have the sympathies of much of the Bureaucracy and the Justice system, something needs to be done to bring them back into a balanced viewpoint and restore free speech. Marxism is the politic of the lowest common denominator which ultimately promises equal squalor for all but apparently the promoters of it don’t realize yet that there is no such thing as a free lunch.

  • we can be a multi ethnic country, not diverse.