Whistle Blowers News Reports New Zealand 23April2021

3 years ago

This is a Corona Virus News Report update blowing the whistle on the FOUNDERS OF AGENDA 21-NWO-Covid19-Vaccines for Profit SLAVE TRADE DEAL, and the individuals co-operate banking criminals involved with the UN (united nations) WHO(world health organisation) WEF(world economic forum) WB(world bank) EU(european union) IMF(international monetary fund...most of which main assemblies are located in USA. These assemblies have been hijacked by these colonial warlords & wenches of the KKK eugenics occult HUMAN SACRIFICES - targeting and tracking people populations for attack and removal by murdering them using QE Hospitals military medical staff WORKFORCE POPULATIONS BY STEALTH. They have entered New Zealand by dirty politics SLAVE TRADE DEALS agreements - agreement WE NEVER AGREED TO AT ALL WE OPPOSED THE DEALS - yet they arrogantly went ahead anyway. Now in 2021 we must respond by exposing them and blowing the whistle to BREAKDOWN TAKEDOWN these criminal stealth operations and call for a NEW JUSTICE SYSTEM to prosecute these war criminals for what they are! Korero Mai News is reporting on the ground corporate crime syndicates in plain sight. Today, we caught Police uniforms involved in offending. Where is Justice? To support truth reporting please sponsor us by emailing me at: rangimarieakk2022@yahoo.com. or text 0211353097.
Thank you.

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