Meeting - April 22, 2021

3 years ago

Our speaker today was PDG Cozette Vergari. Cozette’s topic was one with which she has become very familiar - human trafficking. Did you know that there is a Rotarian Action Group Against Slavery? Or a Global Slavery Index? How about an organization called the Polaris Project (named for the North Star, which people held in slavery in the United States used as a guide to navigate their way to freedom), or another organization called Coalition Against Slave Trafficking? Cozette was instrumental in the recent establishment of a “cause-based” Rotary e-club - D5280 Rotarians Fighting Human Trafficking - and in the creation of an online resource for Rotarians to collaborate with law enforcement agencies, elected officials and non-profit organizations in assisting victims of human trafficking (composed of both sex trafficking and labor trafficking).

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