The great Deception, Beings from Space, Mark of the Beast & Technologies ❤️ Warning from Jesus

3 years ago

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The great Deception, Beings from Space, the Mark & Technologies

March 8, 2021 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

Jesus began... "For those who prefer the beings from space, demons and fallen angels in bodysuits of various colors, shapes and sizes, they will be led into the Great Deception and be lost, taking the mark of the beast, and believing this tragic deception.

"The ones who will believe this deception do not have the true gift of discerning the spirits. Tragically, that includes those who are simple, but kindhearted, as well as free thinkers, the sophisticated and enlightened intellectuals, who could not accept a God as provincial as the carpenter, and those in the working class the God of the simple, reborn believer.

"Only the ones who know Me by the Spirit, will persevere and not enter into an alliance with the demon aliens. There will be certain giveaways that something is wrong here. They will endorse the things that I have taught are sin. They will claim that I am just one of the many ascended masters. Those who choose to adhere to the truth with all their hearts and beings, will smell a rat.

"Let Me be perfectly clear... the technologies that are going to be released are, by themselves, neutral and good.

"But they are pretending to be benevolent and of a higher consciousness, and they will never acknowledge Me as their Lord and Savior, because Satan is their Lord. To destroy you and everything good is their true intention. They will gain the confidence of those who rejected Me as their Savior, because I have given those up to error and the Great Deception.

"Indeed, this IS the Great Deception, and it will take a sharp discernment, a knowledge of the Scriptures, and courage to stay out of this trap. You see, if Satan cannot bring about his kingdom one way, he will do it another, and those who do not have an intimate relationship with Me will rely on their logic.

"Please, My People, cleave to Me with all your hearts and warn those who are awake but misled. Many of them are particularly good and kind people, but they do not know Me on an intimate level. Their relationship is not beyond religious norms, so their discernment is askew, and they believe that because they have come from a religious upbringing, they know all there is to know of the Christian faith.

"If they truly knew Me, they would spot the deception. In some cases, they have relationships with entities claiming to be Me, but in truth, it is not Me at all, but a demon masquerading, just like the ones I delivered you from on the night I visited you in the pillar of fire.

"I love each and every one of you to distraction. But try to understand that the enemy will attempt to divert your attention to hardcore fundamentalists, and those who use the Bible to condemn and find fault. That is religion, not relationship. My tender love for you knows no boundaries, and My Heart has nothing but good planned for you in Heaven. So please, do not exclude the possibility that a destructive force may use this wonderful technology to gain your confidence, and ultimately, your worship.

"I am the Lord who loves you, and there is none other. All of My plans for you are 'Yes and Amen'. I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you, so that, where I am, you also will be. When I prepare this place, it is, from top to bottom, made of all the things you love and hold dear. I know every inch of your heart, beloved, and I rejoice to provide you with your dreams in living color, as My reward to you for believing in Me and living for Me.

"So please, do not dismiss the Scriptures or a true relationship with Me, just because others have been crude and provincial in their presentation. I will go into greater depth about this deception in the next message


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