This Giant will not fall gracefully... Pray for the Offenders ❤️ Love Letter from Jesus Christ

3 years ago

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Jesus says... This Giant will not fall gracefully - Pray for the Offenders

August 15, 2018 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

(Clare) Lord, help us to stay on Your side, praying that those who have been exposed would convert before it is too late for them... Amen.

Jesus began... “Yes, do pray for your country. Things are beginning to break, and have an impact. Repercussions are coming down on those who have betrayed the nation and the dominoes are beginning to fall. It is making a deep impact and shaking foundations. You are praying against repercussions.

"Finally, Clare, things are coming apart, piece by wicked piece. But I still want you to remember to pray for the offenders, for some will take their lives and others will be murdered. This is a critical time in law enforcement, too, because so much evil is syndicated and tied in with legitimate law enforcement agencies.

"This giant will not fall gracefully. Much is being planned to draw attention away from the real news—false flag events, which the media hopes to make a grand point of focus to undermine what is being exposed. So, this is the time to be praying against retaliation…

"Heartdwellers, your prayers are in the process of being answered, but it isn’t pretty. In fact, it is foul beyond what you could ever imagine. Every filthy practice invented by Satan has been used to entrap your government officials. They have sunk to levels of depravity that Sodomites never dreamt of.

"These opportunities to engage in perversion are offered to all who hold office, as an escape and an entertainment on the surface. But beneath the surface, they are entrapments that can later be used to manipulate and control people with blackmail. But what they don’t see, is that their souls have sunk down so deep into sin, that they no longer resemble a human on a spiritual level.

"Even the animals do not have the motive to do such things. This lowers their morality level so far down they are incapable of operating with any integrity at all in their elected and assigned offices."

(Clare) And if they step one step to the right or to the left to follow something that opposes the people that know about these things, these files and photographs are brought up in their face, saying, 'You can't do that or we'll expose you'.

(Jesus) "And Satan has lured them into a spiritual death-trap that renders them void of a conscience. In this way, as they lead double lives, they are constantly tormented by demons. ‘What if they find out? What if my daughter finds out? What will she think?? What if, what if, what if…’ The demons make sport of them and feed off their fears and their double lives, torture them day and night.

"Pray for them, as many contemplate suicide and even going to a far worse place to escape punishment. There are many underground hiding places where they can escape justice. Underground cities have been prepared for such as these. Cities of refuge, where these without a conscience go to continue a life of depravity and sink deeper and deeper into it.


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