Natural Selection--Selects to Destroy Genes in DNA, Way More Than Build Things: Wait What?

3 years ago

.......The long touted mechanisms of Darwinian Evolution:
1) Random Mutations: AND
2) Natural Selection--(A mindless, unguided, undirected, process)
actually spend the vast majority of their time DESTROYING genes in the DNA, rather than adding anything beneficial into the system. In other words, if a mutation allows an organism to grow faster than its present cousins in the population, that mutation based solely on the idea of "survival of the fittest," (really in this case its survival of the fastest) will spread throughout the population and get fixed into the population.
.......However--and this is an astronomical however--over just the past decade, it has become obvious that the vast majority of these so called "beneficial" mutations, that caused the faster growth in the population, did so by actually breaking Genes in the DNA, and LOSING INFORMATION from the genome for good. This is effectively an overwhelming Natural Selection of Destruction of the DNA, and as the presenter in the film points out, Natural Selection--selects to destroy Genes--for the short term gain of faster growth in the population.
.......So Natural Selection actually is more detrimental to Darwinian Evolution, because its much easier to Destroy Genes--for short term gain--than it is to preserve existing Gene information--or build new function. In fact, these facts fly in the face of Natural Selection being able to build whole new structures, body plans, or complete novel species. Just like the idea behind the "second law of thermodynamics," (that everything is tending towards decay) it simply is way easier to destroy--and Selectively so--than it is to build--EVEN FOR DARWINIAN EVOLUTION. In other words, any number of "random mutations" along a specific gene, is vastly more likely to break that gene, than "random mutations" can alter that one or two nucleotides, which would confer a true benefit on the gene. And it has now been experimentally shown, that the former (breaking genes) occurs vastly more than the latter--and Natural Selection is more than willing to lock that loss of information into the genome.
......Furthermore, please do not just skip over this next fact, but as it turns out, "survival of the fittest" (a term I have heard preached my whole life) is a misnomer. In other words, just because a species can populate faster than its cousins, DOES NOT automatically translate into a "beneficial mutation" especially when there is a LOSS OF FUNCTION AND INFORMATION. As the presenter noted: Natural Selection--is actually "squandering genetic information" If this trend continues, then, every genome on the planet is headed for its own eventual, "second law of thermodynamics" like event, which parallels the eventual heat death of own Universe.
.......Our genomes, ladies and gentlemen, are decaying, right before our eyes. Which brings to my mind, something that the Apostle Paul noted about "the Creation, " and its current "Bondage to Decay" in Romans 3:21 Quote: "21 that the creation itself will also be freed from its bondage to decay [and gain entrance] into the glorious freedom of the children of God." AMP HOW COULD SOMEONE LIVING 2000 YEARS AGO KNOW THIS?

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