The coming Demon Alien Invasion & The Power in My Name Jesus ❤️ Love Letter & Instruction from Jesus

3 years ago

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The coming Demon Alien Invasion & The Power in My Name Jesus

February 9, 2021 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare (

(Clare) Lord, please give us the courage to conquer our fears, as well as the necessary information to leave behind for our children... Amen.

As I have mentioned before, the Lord has been very insistent that we think about the rapture, and that, of course, throws so many things into question. I am learning to let go and to rest in Him. This is not easy for someone who likes to know what is going on, but what is going on is the covering and protection of the Lord, and right now He is asking us to rest in Him, while considering the rapture, and the implications of it coming soon.

I realized, there is still more work to be done, more that I want to do, and if He does give us more time, I am really dedicated to applying myself to leave more behind for those He does not take. In fact, He has been asking Ezekiel to pray for those who will be left behind, and to pray for those souls who are not saved and might get caught in the conflagration of a terrible war. For the most part He has been giving us His peace and telling us that what is going on right now in our country is under His control. He is the Lord after all, the Lord of America and the Lord of the world, and He is with the administration that has made so many good changes.

Recently I‘ve gotten wind about creatures from other planets and from outer space that will be landing on our planet and causing havoc, and, of course, that definitely gave me a pause for thought, and it was a little bit scary. Well, Jesus put my head over His heart and held me tightly, as if He had to, I was clinging to Him for dear life. I have recently been reminded of the utter evil that shall invade and terrorize the earth, such as a demon alien invasion, where they actually eat people. And I know it is true that they do eat people. Jesus began...

(Jesus) “These are things I never ever wanted to talk with you about. Yet they are inevitable. There will be events of such magnitude that the whole world will be paralyzed in wonder and fear. Yes, even to the point where some hearts will stop beating.”

(Clare) Jesus, this is more horrible than anything I can imagine, except Hell. He replied...

(Jesus) "Yes, a literal Hell on earth. There is much I want to tell you, but you must give Me time, a lot of Time. This is a start, but I need more time from you, Clare. That is why I have been trying to draw you away from the affairs of the world, so I could speak to you of these things and prepare the hearts that must go through this.

"First and foremost, I will be with them in miraculous ways. These times will call for miracles and the shortening of time or there will be no survivors. These miracles will be of such significance that even those in Heaven will miss being involved in them. They are every Christian's dream.

“Fearful times, such fearful times…Yet, in the Name of Jesus, all can be overcome. That is the point. No one is without recourse, but they must open their eyes to Who I Am and receive Me as their Savior and Protector. That is partly the purpose for what will befall the Earth.

“Beloved Clare, these things are so very dark and ugly, they are not how I wish to spend My time with My Bride. But I know they are weighing heavily on your mind, and that is why I will address them now.

"Nibiru, as I have told you before, is one of the carriers of these things, it is a demonically infested planet. Time and space are nothing to these creatures, for they are inter-dimensional, meaning that they go from place to place through dimensions, not as you envision travelling to the moon for instance, but thinking it and being there almost simultaneously.


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