Apostasy Update: Is the God of Hinduism Blessing America?

3 years ago

Full Apostasy Update Series: https://www.thebereancall.org/apostasy-update
Original Program: https://www.thebereancall.org/content/apostasy-update-12-god-hinduism-blessing-america
Earth Day Booklet by Carl Teichrib: https://store.thebereancall.org/shop/product/ltp74-earth-day-and-a-total-transformation-for-a-post-christian-world-39023?category=53
Free eBook: https://davehunt.org

But again, 120 years ago! Things have gone exponential with regard to the things that are happening, even some things which we’ll talk about in this program and the next couple about things that he wasn’t aware of then, or things that… You know, he wrote his book and there were some things that I’m sure were going on (which we’ll point out) that he didn’t emphasize. But we’ll underscore some of those things.

the thing that strikes me about Andrews’ time period from then till now is how this nature of religion, the worship of the creation, has manifested so profoundly and so powerfully. Whether it’s through the sense of mysticism now connecting to the “god within,” which is just nothing more than a natural manifestation according to that type of thinking; or to literally the creation itself, whether it’s Earth Day, or it’s the climate change narrative—it’s not just simply religion, it plays out in the realm of politics, culture, ethics, morality. It’s all affected.

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