A corrupt Government & The very real Threat of nuclear War with China ❤️ Love Letter of Jesus

3 years ago

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A corrupt Government & The very real Threat of nuclear War with China

January 13, 2021 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Clare) May the Lord give you His peace, the ability to rest in Him and to trust how His hand is moving in these days. God bless you, Heartdwellers. Well, my dear family, in these challenging times, let us keep the Lord and His Majesty, His Sovereignty, always before us. No matter what seems to be going on, we can be assured that He has all the answers and all the good paths we must take to maintain our peace of heart, and be in His perfect will.

Lord, there is so much going on, yet I only find my peace with my head resting on Your heart, securely, knowing You are good and will bring ultimate good out of these times. Lord Jesus, what would you like to say to us?

(Jesus) “Tumultuous times are never easy to navigate, especially if you take your eyes off of Me. These are times of upheaval and cleansing, and that is never easy either. I do want you to be mindful of the impending Rapture by continuing to do all you can to draw men to Me. I want you to be a light and an anchor in the midst of confusion, turbulence, lies and deliberately staged events to further confuse and pull everyone away from the truth.

“You already know that your president (Trump) is My choice. But he is dealing with hundreds of years of corruption, and in your government specifically a century of corruption, which he inherited when he came into office. He has put his life and the lives of his children on the line in order to reform America. It is your prayers that propel and protect him in doing his job. There are many layers of masques that are being removed right now from your society, and the deeper We go, the purer and darker satanic activities are revealed.

"When something is corrupt, you must go all the way, to the very bottom layer, to begin cleansing, and this is what you are beginning to get signs of right now. Your president needs your prayers more than ever because of the intensity of evil he is confronting and dealing with.

"You are looking at two things; a corrupt government and the very real threat of nuclear war with China. Understand that this did not come about overnight, and your president’s strategy is to stand back and let the enemy expose himself. When the time is opportune, he will act, but until then your patience and support is absolutely necessary. Clare, I have given you many dreams and visions about the Chinese invading this country. The Chinese are a formidable force, Clare, and they have been planning and preparing for years to take over your land. And I might add, they are awfully close to succeeding.

"Your president has turmoil from within and without, but he is a brave and Godly man, who has repented of his sinful past, and leans on Me to the fullest extent, for counsel and advice. One favor you could do for him is to pray that he hears and discerns My voice and My will, clearly, no matter what humans around him are saying. He needs this skill more than all the others. He has a sense of rightness, but the din of other voices is sometimes confusing. His gut level discernment, however, is good.

"Truly, this whole ordeal has been his passion on earth. Never could he have realized how many traitors he had standing beside him. This has been a very painful unraveling of people’s motives. Pray also for the wounds in his heart, truly, he is only human, and some of the disappointments have been shattering. Pray also that he does not allow bitter seeds to grow in his heart.

"There is so much to learn when you become a true Christian. Unforgiveness is perhaps one of the most painful dynamics to overcome. But with My grace, he can do it. As the old saying goes... 'Unforgiveness is like preparing a cup of poison for your enemy, which you yourself drink, as your enemy walks away unharmed and free.'


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