Our Message of Love and Truth

3 years ago

Dear viewers, thank you!
We are from Call to Holiness International Ministries. (Columbus OH)
This video was challenging to complete and upload without issues popping up. I had attempted to upload on a YouTube on a private setting before it was taken down. I was warned I wouldn’t be able to continue uploading for a week if I uploaded this again. So I took it to Rumble. I brought a few good friends from church to help give this message and pray over the video.

Thanks again and God bless you!

Also, video credits to US Marine Vet, LT from And We Know who I sampled clips from with valuable information.

- When this is all over and I come out wrong, I will publicly apologize and take accountability for myself. I want you to know now I pushed this content as hard as I did for over a year due to the censorship and suppression I and like minded individuals faced online. It isn't fair in this world. That others can rack hundred of thousands of hits promoting violence, division, and lies around issues we face today, and be justified. Meanwhile the minority, of many believers like myself couldn't reach 10 people without going to YouTube or Facebook jail. Instagram fact checkers flagging my posts for me and argued with me. Do you hear the sincerity? That's all I have to say. I hope not to talk about these issues again. It's out there now though. Even if we disagree, I hope people can empathize still.
This message is from the heart and I want you to receive it, but more importantly to trust God. He can do all things. No name is greater than he. That means COVID 19,20,21 May you be blessed and cover by the blood of Jesus in spirit and truth.

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