2/2 MASSIVE Fukushima Update For April 2021 - THE CORRECT VIEWS 04/21/2021

3 years ago

Greetings Unsettled Souls,
‘Tis Sam DiGangi, most recently published in World Net Daily – one of the internets OLDEST and most well-established publications – on the topic of North Korea. Please be sure to check it out here: https://www.wnd.com/2021/04/causing-stink-n-koreas-kim-duo-testing-joe-biden/
Also, we have facts on all things Fukushima/nuclear via What happened to your comment, aka, “How to get thrown off a show’s comment line” – My apologies to those who suffered due to one trolling fool;
RT has reported that authorities and “experts” are saying that it is “unavoidable” that toxins be dumped into the sea;
When do South Korea and the sadists who run China ever agree? They agree about Fukushima concerns and their shared oceanic waters, according to The Week In Asia;
The Washington (com)Post reports that China has summed the issue of dumping radioactive water in the ocean as follows:
If it is so safe, you [those allowing the dump] drink it;
THE DUMBDEE OF THE DAY!!! How about an idea so dumb that even the curators of said idea dump the plan (like toxic water into the ocean). As the mascot of poison, death, and cancer, perhaps? Anyone? ~Sam

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