Spot on Wednesday 4-21-21

3 years ago

Working in conjunction with your imagination your mind may need to make some things up to fill in the blanks.

Nooooooo that can’t be? Made up? Like fear?

Hovering at a depth of about 5 fathom’s in-between what little sunlight is left and complete darkness, just then out of the corner of my eye an object came into sight.

The immediate physical reaction was shock! Pausing for that moment, then a deep breath followed, the mind started its analysis about 50 milliseconds until it had an answer.

Just a big rock, sure out of place for the surrounding but nothing that would reach out and bite you.

No different than looking out the window and seeing snow when there should be no snow, right?

If it’s been unwitnessed, never seen before your brain will make something up even if it’s wrong at first.

Remember, that every waking moment your mind records everything.

Some is stored for immediate recall. Some gets filed away and associated with things that may not be relevant or similar but a rock just the same, similar, but different.

Expect the unexpected, but do not let it control the path you are on. You may have to swim around the rock but that still leads to the other side exactly where you are planning to go. #dbrn

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