Geologic Proof--From Diamonds Brought to The Surface by Volcanos--That We Live On a Very Young Earth

3 years ago

(Geologist, PHD Dr. Andrew Snelling)
.......Carbon 14 found in coal beds, dinosaur bones, and even Diamonds--brought to the surface by a volcanic eruption--is challenging the idea that the Earth is Billions of years old. Geologic and Biologic Fact--Diamonds brought to the surface by volcanic eruption--SHOULD HAVE NO CARBON 14 in them. Why, because they were never exposed to Earth's atmosphere, and after they harden into diamonds, deep in the Earth's Mantel, they cannot be contaminated by Carbon 14 while on the surface of the Earth.
....... THEREFORE, there should be no Carbon 14 in the Diamonds, YET, guess what they have found. Which means, the only way the Carbon 14 was put into the diamonds at the time the Earth Created them, was inside the material they borrowed from the Earth.
Geologic Fact: even if the entire Earth was nothing but a ball of Carbon 14--in less than a million years, no Carbon 14 should be left. However, they find Carbon 14 not ONLY in the Volcanic Diamonds, but even supposedly 300 Million year old Coal Deposits--that were of course, at one time, living biological matter--and Dinosaur bones. Furthermore, the evidence from the fossils suggests the entire Geologic Column is replete with Carbon 14. All this evidence points to a very Young Earth, and the SUPPOSED GOEOLGIC COLUMN IS NONSENSE.
....... Hmmmmmmmmmmmm
....... NOW what did the Scientific Establishment do with this information--BURY IT AS FAST AS POSSIBLE, THE PUBLIC PEONS NEED NOT SEE THIS DATA.
It has never been a better time to be a follower of Jesus and Study Science.

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