Richard Lenski--E Coli Experiment Proves That Whales and Humans Could Not Evolve.

3 years ago

How Many Humans Have ever lived on this planet? QUOTE:
....... “Modern” Homo sapiens (that is, people who were roughly like we are now) first walked the Earth about 50,000 years ago. Since then, more than 108 billion members of our species have ever been born, according to estimates by Population Reference Bureau (PRB). Given the current global population of about 7.5 billion (based on our most recent estimate as of 2019), that means those of us currently alive represent about 7 percent of the total number of humans who have ever lived.” Article: How Many People have ever lived on Earth, Date: January 23, 2020, Authors: Toshiko Kaneda, Program Director, and Carl Haub Demographer Emeritus
....... FROM THE SHORT VIDEO E.coli bacteria in 12 flasks, with 100 Million Specimens per flask, per day, for 365 days, times 30 years and counting—Gives a total population of 13,140,000,000. That is a total population of thirteen trillion, one hundred and forty billion specimens. And in all that time, they observed that the E.coli could now eat Citrate.
....... Well, if Darwinian Evolution were actually observed, where are the whales—from a population that size? What I mean is, 105 billion Humans is a pittance compared to the number of E.coli bacteria in the lab controlled experiment done by Lenski; and the number of Whales that have ever lived is a pittance, compared to the Human Population on this Earth. Well, if the population of 13.14 trillion E.coli bacteria, can only produce a MEAGER evolutionary change in something to eat, and Humans and Whales are ASTRONOMICALLY more complex than E.coli--thus requiring ASTRONOMICALLY more TIME AND population RESOURCES to evolve THROUGH THE QUINTILLION other steps from Bacteria to Humans. ........THEREFORE, THERE HAS NEITHER BEEN ENOUGH TIME, AND MORE SPECIFICALLY, NOR ENOUGH population RESOURCES for Humans and Whales to evolve by a Darwinian means on this planet.
........ In order for Darwinian Evolution to occur--you not only need enough TIME, but you need enough CHANCES, for Chance to cause Enough MUTATIONS, to build whole new biological systems and structures, that dwarf the bacteria's already space shuttle/Cray computer complexity. Instead, THE LENSKI experiment, has put a nail in the coffin of Mutation Evolution, by virtue of its POPULATION REQUIREMENTS--that no Higher order species like primates could/did/or ever would match on this planet.
......... Furthermore, since the standard evolutionary JUST SO story is that Man evolved from a specific primate species--then that Primate species as well (pick which ever species you like) DID NOT have enough Time AND POPULATION resources to evolve into humans, BASED ON THE LINSKI experimental results. Period. THE MATH DOES NOT LIE. THINK ABOUT IT.

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