Difficult Times, Hitler, Persecution & How you recognize My Voice ❤️ Love Letter from Jesus

3 years ago

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Final Warnings from Jesus... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2019/11/15/warnungen-von-gott-jesus-jehova-zebaoth-warnings-from-god-jesus-jehovah-zebaoth/
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Source... Sister Clare's full Teachings in english... http://www.heartdwellers.org

Difficult Times, Hitler, Persecution of Christians & How you recognize My Voice

July 14, 2020 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Clare) Precious Heartdwellers, the Lord asked us to pick up a six-month supply of food for the people in the Refuge. This is highly unusual for Him to request, but I am asking you to hearken to this instruction and put up enough food to carry you through for six months. Please dear ones, make this sensible food, not snacks and empty calories. Foods like processed cereals are expensive when you could do just as well with oatmeal and making granola out of oats.

Also don’t forget household items, longlasting candles etc., that you may need. We also have electricity provided by solar power and generators with a supply of gasoline, that I can still get messages out to you. Please continue to pray Psalm 91 daily over yourself and your loved ones, and know that God is mighty to protect and provide. Lord, is there anything you wish to say?

Jesus began... “Thank you for putting out this message. I want My people to be prepared and to have enough to share with others. If all do as directed, there will be an abundance in a time of scarcity. Difficult times will continue to happen, My precious ones, but if you remain close to My heart, in prayer and thanksgiving, if you seek the things of the kingdom and not the things of the world, you will be protected.

"There is so much misinformation on the internet and in the news. This is why you must cultivate listening for My voice. Many of you have become accustomed to the noisy and threatening so-called prophecies of the main stream media sources, as well as even some things on YouTube. They are not to be trusted, dear ones. If you are basing your life on what you hear there, you are being grossly misled, and you do not have a true understanding of what this country is going through, nor can you distinguish the villains from the heroes. This is something you must discern in prayer.

"When Hitler came into power in Nazi Germany, he used the media to lure public opinion into supporting his detestable practices. The media were all in the pay of the government. It told the public what they wanted to hear in order to support Hitler’s agenda to exterminate the Jews.

"The very same thing is happening now in this country, except this time, the target is Christians. It is written that 'You will be hated because of My Name', and those working for the mainstream media are part of the subversion of Godly agendas in this country.

"My precious Brides, do not be in a hurry when you come into prayer. Waiting on Me, examining your conscience, repenting of even the little things that you may have done to displease Me. When you are called up higher, there is a price to pay. There are sacrifices I may ask you to make, and no one else.

"My heart is to speak to you, to inform you, to counsel and guide. These are the delights of a real relationship with Me. But I also love to linger with you and dwell in your worshipful presence. Your sweet songs and attentions to Me make up for so much indifference and coldness in the world. When you enter into true worship in spirit and in truth, it is an absolute wonder to Me and I allow Myself to be drenched in your love and thanksgiving. You can never do that too much. Abide in Me and I will abide in you, dear ones.

"In order to cultivate the ability to hear My still small voice, it is necessary for you to still your mind, your own voice. Avoid being in the presence of agitating sounds and voices. Cultivate a peaceful and silent atmosphere to enter into worship.


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