Shades of 1913 April 19, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

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Shades of 1913 April 19, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

For those who are unaware of such things, we are in the middle of a brutal energy storm. Just imagine that you are a little kid, and the wind is tearing and gusting all around the house, and rain is thundering on the roof and against the windows....and you are tucked in bed, safe and warm.
The first time in modern history that this particular set of storm conditions existed was in 1913. It was caused by the failure of the bankruptcy process that was contrived to release our gold and silver resources back into the world markets---without our knowledge or consent.
The Federal Reserve bankers came up with the idea to enslave everyone and capitalize on the labor resources of this country (and several others) and then use the Blood Money to slake the investors; but, the Kaiser was a moral man, and he stuck to his guns. Such debts were always paid in gold, on time, and on demand. WWI commenced anyway.
That hideous conflagration just caused more debts and more destruction, and the enslavement program continued --- now needed more than ever to backstop the lack of available precious metal commodities being rigged by the London commodity boards.
Note---they've done the same thing again in the commercial paper markets, by choke-pointing and licensing the companies that can issue "Medium Term Notes" for corporations.
The guilty parties tried successfully to blame the victims, their Priority Creditors from Germany, and foisted off an unbelievably unjust peace settlement that would have reduced Germany and the German people to abject poverty for over a hundred years.
All to pay war reparations for a war that wouldn't exist, if the debtors had made a good faith effort to pay in the first place.
That, of course, didn't play well and didn't pay the bills, either.
So, enter the 1930-33 world bankruptcy and Ponzi scheme, with Herr Hitler pushing the envelope and World War II close on his heels. More death and destruction ---- and debt. Don't forget the debt.
Every time there is a melt down, there is more debt, and more dead creditors.
You would think that people would observe the nature of what they are doing to themselves and to each other and just stop, but no.
Here we are again.
At a first dash we find out that, hey, this is not only a debt from the past 150 years in the western world; oh, no, this is a debt that goes back 800 years to the last time there was an actual Golden Jubilee.
All the Blood Money has been carried forward as unpaid pre-paid credit since then.
Think of it --- 800 years of this.
The thinking ones among us had already (and swiftly) concluded that it was impossible to rack up either a pentillion (or as it is also called, a quintillion) dollar credit or debt, even over the course of a 150 years. There simply isn't that much debt or credit generated worldwide year by year, even if you throw in the interest.
But go back 800 years and add in the value of the purloined gold, silver, jewels, art treasures, land sales, titles, fees, rents, lease-purchase agreements, stocks, bonds, debentures, taxes, tariffs, payments in lieu of taxes, patents, copyrights, trademarks, commodities on hand, national currencies, insurance and pension plans --- and then it isn't hard to come up with a quintillion dollars in credit. Or debt.
So long as someone is stubbornly refusing to pay their side of it, that is.

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