JFK Rewind. Secret Societies. 4/20/21 (Death's Chris Cornell & Chester Bennington)

3 years ago

Title: JFK Rewind. Secret Societies. Tuesday April 20, 2021 (NAZI's, Death's of Chris Cornell of Soundgarden, Chester Bennington of Linkin' Park).

Continuing my Hypothesis on who and why Child Sex Trafficking is the lucrative business it is, more so than narcotics.

Live Stream Monday - Friday 8:00 PM CST/9:00 PM EST on Facebook, Twitch and Twitter. 

Previous episodes can be found on Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Bit Chute, Rumble and and on Telegram via my 2 Channels: https://t.me/PennieFay and https://t.me/areyoustillsleeping.Sources and

Parenthetical Notation:

JFK Secret Societies Speech on April 27, 1961

Fall of The Cabal: Part 7
Witches and Warlocks: Janet Ossebaard (4:12 Start)

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