Why do we call Mary an invincible wall? The answer is pretty simple.

3 years ago

On the sixth Tuesday of Great Lent at the sixth hour we sing:” An invincible wall hast Thou given to our city, the Virgin who bore Thee; through her, O Savior, do Thou rescue our souls from the evils that surround us, we pray.”

We just called Mary, the Theotokos, an invincible wall! We also do this in a very popular hymn: “To thee the champion leader.”

Why? It’s really very simple. We pray to Mary because she bore the invincible one and the invincible one listens to her just as he does to her just as he does to all of his holy ones. We also discuss how Orthodoxy is quite different than almost any other Christian religion because it is not based solely on personal experience but the experience of the church. We discuss why so-called Protestants have such a different view about Mary, the Theotokos. About 7 minutes.

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