Not Perfect But Forgiven

3 years ago

Have you ever just “fleshed out”?? Do you feel terrible afterwards, wishing you had the self-control to have not made that bad choice? I do. I usually beat myself up for failing to subdue my emotions. Thankfully God is not as hard on us as we are on ourselves. There is no condemnation in Christ, and when we ask for forgiveness, He forgives. God does not hold a grudge, freeze us out or isolate us when we have made a wrong choice. He loves us, even if we are not perfect and just as if we never sinned. There is no sweeter gift than the forgiveness of God. It is complete and He makes all things new. If only human beings forgave the way that God does and did not hold grudges or punish you with hateful actions by ignoring you and treating you like you are the scum of the earth. So grateful for the forgiveness and unconditional love of God. I hope that we all learn to forgive as He did, loving and serving us as if we never hurt Him. #DigDeeper

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