Australia's Stupid Covid Mistakes

3 years ago

The mass panic, driven by a hysterical mass media and opportunistic State Premiers has meant that we have no immunity to the virus so we are going to take a very long time to get back to normal, we cannot open up the International Borders and we will continue to have Covid outbreaks for a long time after we all get vaccinated.

The way to handle the pandemic was strong leadership from the Federal Cabinet, reducing the death toll as much as possible, using now proven treatments to reduce the death toll, Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, but allowing the virus to run out until herd immunity was quickly reached.

Professor Of Epidemiology Yale University.
Dr Harvey Risch.
"Why I call vaccines a "bait and Switch".

"Vaccinations help but the Lockdowns are counter-productive you get large populations who have never been exposed to the Virus and it takes a long time to achieve herd immunity."

"U.S. States that didn't have Lockdowns had one fifth the cases - they were well into herd immunity."

"We need a combination of vaccines and we have now proven treatments to reduce the death toll."

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