GmrsLive Tech Tuesday National Net 20 April 2021

3 years ago

GMRS Live "Tech Tuesday" National Net, recorded on 20 April 2021. gmrslive is a linking network of GMRS users and repeaters linked through the internet using Asterisk on a Raspberry Pi. Great group of guys here and the best part is you are FREE to use your nodes/hubs anyway you want to. All volunteers willing to help you get set up and going. Check out their website at and search Facebook for their group under the same name.
GMRS Live is a open system. What does this mean?
We do not
...decide who you can connect to.
...decide what equipment you use. other sites users trying to get them to join us.
...'hijack' conversations, (we are users just like you).
We have
...99.9% uptime on a National Data Center.
...a Clean Family atmosphere.
...Friendly users and staff ready to help.
...National 'HUBS for users and the ability to create your own.
...the ability to change from one HUB to another.
You can
...Create your own 'HUB'.
...Have as many nodes as you wish (5 to start)
...Create your own network of repeaters or hubs.
... Have control over your nodes and hubs.
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GMRS Live is a means to connect. We are not sellers of equipment nor do we officially offer support for the connection or setup of equipment. It is not our intention or place to tell you how to do things. We provide the technical services so users can connect.
Users are encourage to experiment and communicate with other users on the different types of connection methods available (radio, radioless, repeater, simplex...). Many of our users have built there own nodes and are willing to help and or make nodes. That is totally up to you. You must (like anything on the internet) take caution and research what is offered before continuing. If there is a connection issue by all means contact us. If you have a issue with installation or setup that you (and if someone is assisting you) can't seem to figure out then we will try to help.
The GMRS Live team members are not professional programmers. We are users that like tinkering just like you. We do not know everything and learn new stuff everyday. There are currently 4 'Team' members each with different strong points and full time jobs willing to help whenever they can. Sometimes the response may be a little slow but please be patient.
GMRS Live provides a number of 'HUBS' for users to go to talk. These hubs are owned and hosted by GMRS Live. We have a certain code of conduct we expect every user to follow while using our hubs. We encourage any and all users that wants a hub, to create one for there family and or friends use. The way that hub is run (or controlled) is totally up to the person that owns it. GMRS Live doesn't monitor these hubs and does not make policy on there use. They can remain private or can be open, your choice.
-Thank You, The GMRS Live Team

Note: Copied from GMRSLive FB page / wrjr790

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