Arichive Hive Presents; #goddamn47

3 years ago

4 = 🚪 7= 🔑 📐🧭
▄︻̷̿┻̿═━一 💥 😵
April 7th
3x 🐯💪🏾 = 😵
Trump Vs Biden
74 vs 47 devils just be running numbers on u all day and u totally unaware of the scheme #truthisundefeated
The most quintessential random number
The 47th problem of Euclid
Pomona College is located at Exit 47 of the San Bernardino Freeway.
There are 47 pipes in the top row of the Lyman Hall organ.
Pomona’s first graduating class in 1894, there were 47 students enrolled.The Bible credits Jesus with 47 miracles.The Declaration of Independence has 47 sentences.There are 47 strings on a concert harp.In the freshman class that entered Pomona College in the year 2000, there were 47 valedictorians.The tropics of Cancer and Capricorn are located 47 degrees apart.
The compass is set at 47degrees in Freemasonry
The 23.5 + 23.5 = 47
Of the Northern and Southern hemisphere
#superfacts 🎯
#BulgariButterfingers 💎
#MaladroitMaoZendong 📚
#redpillrescue 💊
#consciouspostgamestrong 💪🏾
#seetheunseen 👁
#yougottabeparalyzedtonotfeelus ♿

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