Time is up for President Obama & Those who stand in My Way 🎺 Thru Mark Taylor

3 years ago

Text, Audio & Related Messages... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2020/08/04/die-zeit-ist-abgelaufen-fur-barack-obama-time-is-up-for-president-obama/
Overview of Revelations thru Mark Taylor... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2018/12/12/prophezeiungen-mark-taylor-prophecies/
Video Playlist Prophecies thru Mark Taylor... https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL73-eEs6JmCvXXsupB0C64cgwLXp3PkNp
The Third Testament in various Languages... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/das-dritte-testament-the-third-testament-el-tercer-testamento/
Jesus' Revelations thru Jakob Lorber... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/category/english/jakob-lorber-pdfs/
Jesus' Revelations thru Gottfried Mayerhofer... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/category/english/53-sermons-of-jesus/
LoveLetters from Jesus... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/liebesbriefe-von-jesus-love-letters-from-jesus/
Trumpet Call of God... https://awakeningforreality.com/latest-video-and-audio-letters-neuste-video-und-audio-briefe/

The Spirit of God says…
Time is up for President Obama & Those who stand in My Way

November 17, 2015 – The Lord’s Message thru Mark Taylor

The Spirit of God says... "I am neutering this sitting President (Obama Nov. 2015), I am neutering this sitting President in this hour, so his evil and corrupt ideologies and theologies can no longer reproduce in this country I call MY UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!

"For this man who holds the title called the President of the United States, will begin to lose his grip from it and be stripped of it, for I the Lord God will rip it from him. This man who calls himself Commander in Chief, is nothing more than a lying deceitful Thief."

The Spirit of God says... "Time is up for those who are corrupt! For I shall begin to remove those who stand for evil in leadership and stand in the way of My agenda.

"Judges, Senators, Congressmen and women of all kinds, even in the local, state, and federal lines. Even the Supreme Court is not immune from their corrupt and evil ways, for I will remove some and expose their backdoor deals which have been at play.

"For My America has been chosen as the launching platform for My harvest, and she will be a light unto the world once again as l clean up that which is the darkest. Fear not America your greatest days are ahead of you. Arise My Army and fight and watch what I will do for you!"

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