James O'Keefe of Project Veritas Follows Through and SUES Twitter for Defamation

3 years ago

James O'Keefe, President and CEO of Project Veritas (and last honest journalist) has followed through on his claims from the end of last week to sue Twitter for pulling down his last remaining Twitter profile under the pretenses that he was "operating fake accounts".

The lawsuit is out, the claims are in writing and a great lawyer/law team is attached. Here's hoping he adds another scalp to the wall of shame and takes Twitter to task.

Project Veritas: https://www.projectveritas.com/news/breaking-james-okeefe-sues-twitter-in-new-york-supreme-court-for-false-and/
Lawsuit: https://assets.ctfassets.net/syq3snmxclc9/6ynBlA0zwv3U52iUcdEMG3/de2136e36e2eb295bbebbe2e8fa8599b/Final_Twitter_Final_2_-_Complaint-1-.pdf

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#ProjectVeritas #JamesOkeefe #Twitter

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