Violence - The 4 Horsemen Of Response

3 years ago

Violence - The 4 Horsemen Of Response - Target Focus Training - Tim Larkin - Awareness - Self Protection - Self Defense - Martial Arts

Hey Everybody!

Tim Larkin here. Today we discuss the 4 Horsemen of Response; Fight, Flight, Capitulation, & Posturing. The concept, modified by me, is originally from Dave Grossman. He is a fantastic writer in the industry and author of the book "On Killing". I've covered Fight & Flight quite a bit already in this channel. All of the techniques you all love are Fight. Breaking a knee, or taking out an eye is Fight. Flight I've said 10,000 times is your best choice, which simply means walking away when you have a choice. Fight is when are devoid of choice, and it's your only option. Today I add Capitulation and Posturing.

00:00 Introduction
02:26 Fight
03:14 Flight
04:16 Capitulation (Submission)
07:28 Posturing
14:36 In Closing & Please Subscribe

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