Even the Wash Post Says Biden is Lying!, 3580

3 years ago

Good afternoon, I’m still reporting on the coup.
Bad news for Uncle Joe, even The Washington Post has run out of ways to turn at least one of his bizarre statements into a fact.
It doesn’t seem fair to call Joe Biden a liar at this point in his career, although throughout his political career he has had problems with the truth. Claiming in a speech that he came from a family of coal miners when his father was a used car salesman, was too much for the American people and he was forced to drop out of the 1988 presidential primary.
People at the time believed that Joe Biden knew his father was not a coal miner, but today what exactly Joe Biden knows is extremely difficult to discern.
Lying is not the same as saying something that is not true, lying has the additional requirement that the liar, know that it is not true and says it anyway which makes it extremely difficult to call anything Joe Biden says, a lie because he well may think that its true.
But the Washington Post which has been involved in an intense love affair with Joe Biden ever since he became the Democratic nominee, could not turn Biden’s statement about the Georgia voting law into truth and awarded Joe Biden four Pinocchios for his statement that the new Georgia voting law restricted the hours the polls would be open. Biden said, “What I’m worried about is how un-American this whole initiative is. It’s sick … deciding that you’re going to end voting at five o’clock when working people are just getting off work.”
The Washington Post tried to spin this, but since the new Georgia voting law doesn’t change election day voting hours which are from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. even the Post couldn’t put enough gyrations on this to make it accurate.
The Georgia law does require early voting sites to at least be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. but also allows early voting from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. What the law does is define “working hours” because some rural counties have election offices that are only open part time. The old law requiring the early voting sites to be open during working hours, could be interpreted to mean open when the election office is open which would be less than eight hours a day.
The new law requires that early voting sites be open at least from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and on Saturdays with Sunday optional.
This does not appear to the Post or most people to be a difficult concept to understand, and it doesn’t take much mental acuity to comprehend that the law defines and expands early voting requirements.
But it does take some mental acuity and perhaps at this stage in his career, it is more mental acuity than Joe Biden has which is why his handlers work hard at getting him to read what is on the teleprompter or on his cue cards and never speak off the cuff.
For Joe Biden to be awarded four Pinocchios from the Washington Post is the equivalent of Donald Trump being awarded 400 Pinocchios from the Post. When Trump was in office if there was a way that what he said could be interpreted as inaccurate, the Post labeled it a lie and added it to their long list of Trump lies.
The Post even went so far as to label Trump’s opinions as lies. How they could know that Trump was lying about his own opinion is a mystery, but no doubt it was based on science and data and not the fact that according to the Post anything Trump said was by definition a lie which made life pretty easy for their fact checkers.
What America wants to know and perhaps only The Washington Post and The New York Times have the resources to discover, is if Joe Biden was lying during the campaign. One of the very few times the media was allowed to ask Joe Biden a question during the campaign was when Biden was walking out of an ice cream shop with his granddaughter and some aggressive reporter hit him with the question “Mr. Biden, Mr. Biden what flavor did you get?”
Biden ever the politician said, “We got one vanilla and one chocolate.” Those happen to be the two most popular flavors which leads one to believe he might have really bought Rocky Road and pistachio but didn’t want to seem elitist and so told a fib.
And while the Post is investigating that critical statement during the campaign, they might also want to take a look at Hunter Biden’s laptop another opportunity they missed during the presidential campaign.


I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of world freedom. Good day.

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