Secrets of Sunken Meadow Beach - Eastham MA Life

3 years ago

Sunken Meadow Beach in Eastham is a great bay side beach and is a great spot for surf casting at twilight. Steeper than some of the other bay beaches, you can enjoy the sunset with a higher vantage point. Like all bay beaches, this is ideal for young children especially as the tide goes out.

The water temperature is in the 60 to 70 degree range in the summer. This is a town beach, and the Town of Eastham charges per day for parking. There is limited parking at this beach, with only about 10 spaces (depending on the sand drifts).

Stickers can be obtained at the natural Resources Building at 555 Old Orchard Road, or Sunday only at the First Encounter Parking Lot.

#SunkenMeadowBeach #Eastham #CapeCod #MA #FindYourCape #Beaches

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